this month’s oraclescopes were pulled using my debut tarot deck, PORTALS, and Kim Krans’ Wild Unknown Archetype deck. (don’t they look beautiful together?) as this Sag season is larger-than-life with ruler Jupiter direct at the end of Pisces, this month sees us navigating the broader archetypes we are currently swimming through. read for your sun, moon, rising, or all three. take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else.

sagittarius & sagittarius rising

three of cups & the bardo rev.

the bardo is a liminal space between this realm and others that, when entered consciously and willingly, allows us to access immense healing and release. this realm is one through which souls pass, and slipping into this realm can grant us a chance to reconnect with the relationships closest to our heart, whether they exist in the tangible realm or are tethered by bonds unseen by the living eye. from up here, we have great emotional levity, much like walking on the moon or floating into space - from up here, we can express the previously unimaginable and experience great catharsis.

you may be assessing your bonds this month, Sagittarius, however you may be reluctant or scared to do so for fear of what may be revealed upon taking a closer look. are you holding onto old pain unspoken or forgiveness that needs to be granted? confront your concerns around dipping into this liminal space and name what you are fearful of losing. practice trusting that what you feel & resolve in this space serves to bring you closer to your intended circles.

capricorn & capricorn rising

the devil & the shapeshifter

in the shapeshifter we find a multifaceted creature who pleasures in playing with perspective and channeling the desires of its environment, embodying our natural inclination toward the inventive and the rebellious. this approach, when used artistically, can be a masterful tool that allows us to see the framework around us through curious and inventive eyes, applying creativity and flexibility to the structural changes that can offer impactful respite from the current chaos. abused, this energy can willfully harm & deceive others while destabilizing its vessel.

this may be an invitation, Capricorn, to get clear on how you utilize this energy within your conscious realm. do you work to alleviate the structural pressures of the tangible realm with your inventiveness and cunning, or do you allow your shapeshifting to appease your own ego as you wrangle with your inevitable dependence on the structures that contain, sustain, and drain you? essentially, it’s important to know if you use your powers for good or for evil, as well as establishing what your current relationship to those concepts may be now, and whether you allow yourself space to dance between them.

aquarius & aquarius rising

the magician & the mentor

the role of mentor is earned by traveling a path not necessarily of great success, but rather one of successful application of experience and timely instincts. to play the role of mentor to another is to confidently illuminate a possible path or even several possible paths, to generously offer gifts of motivation and inspiration, and to support the authentic unfolding of another’s sacred bloom. we can forget as mentors, just as we can as astrologers or readers of spiritual messages, that while we are an important guide to others, we are not responsible for the growth they undergo or the success they step into.

this month may have you beginning to recognize or revisit your capacity to step into the role as mentor for another and to cultivate deep powers of presence and potential. the tools and the stars may be lining up for you to fully step into this process, gifting you with prowess and expressive insights now. be sure that as you map out this new course, you are diligent in checking your ego for any false motives along the way, being sure to reconcile them rather than allowing them to be weaved into this nurturing and potent fabric.

pisces & pisces rising

king of swords & the mask

we tend to talk about masks as entities behind which we choose, or are forced, to hide. it’s important to consider the possibility of the mask as an expressive tool, one that gives shape and voice to otherwise intangible energies, or to parts of us previously prohibited from fully forming. pieces of us that cannot fully exist within this realm, or parts of us that require further exploration before they can emerge and surface in full, can all be contained and channeled by the firmness and hold of a mask, if we so choose to play.

consider the notion that you have ascended to a place of palpable mental clarity, from where you are able to witness all that you have overcome along the journey. what pieces of yourself did you discover or recover along the way? what truths have surfaced within you from deep below, from spaces you never imagined you could air out and clarify? take the material you have accrued in this process and decide which previous masks you are ready to discard. then imagine the new masks you could begin to explore as you continue to stretch outward into this new intellectual authority, and boldly venture into playful unknowns.

Aries & aries rising

six of wands & the judge

navigating our day-to-day world requires observational skills, unbiased information-processing capabilities, strong self-awareness, and a solid core, steady and sound in its structure. while judgement is often used to separate or to belittle, its truest desire is to create adhesion, providing support for those who lack and leveling those who prey unjustly so that all members of a space, of a family or a group or a culture or a society, can thrive in hard-earned balance. honing these skills of perception and process takes time, diligence, discipline, and integration of our own contradictions and predatory urges so that we may move in full alignment with a higher discernment.

this month may find you articulating and acting upon a desire to champion a cause that is near and dear to you. you have gleaned the edges of your critical challenges, the lessons that you recognize spiral out and back into your life over longer arcs of time and containing deeper wells of wisdom with each cycle through. in allowing yourself to grow close to their rawness, you have awakened your capacity for unseen strength and the power to advocate in a way that invites you to bask in the glow you wish to cast upon others. let yourself shine in the wake of what you step into now.

taurus & taurus rising

the hermit & the mirror

mirrors are a common commodity that facilitate much more mysterious possibilities of illusion, reflection, or insight, depending on their many applications. mirrors fascinate in that they reflect back only to the individual - that is, no two people see the same image when gazing into a mirror together. what we see is informed by our stories, our biases, our fears and our perceived flaws. spending long lengths in front of a reflective surface can seduce us into self-worship or can open us up to portals of profound awareness and sight.

this month asks you to go within and spend some time with your internal mirrors. what do they reflect to you, and what do you allow this to inform you of as you move through the world? your sense of self-perception may need a gentle reset now, or space away from the visions and reflections of others so that you may gain deeper clarity on your own inner making without the input of the illusions we are regularly subjected to. allow yourself to meet your self once more from within the privacy of your inner sanctuary, trusting that when you emerge you will have clarity on who is truly looking back at you.

gemini & gemini rising

the empress & the forest

the wildness of the forest beckons us inward, piquing our curiosity with songs of unseen creatures, scents of uninterrupted greenery and fallen branches, coaxing us out of our comfort zone with the allure and mystery that only mother nature can embody. of course, as we answer the call and navigate the unfamiliar pathways that unfurl before us, we are thrown even deeper into unknown elements, thickets of trees and lurking creatures, and whispers of magical possibility, too.

the pathway to your divine landscape may be leading you through the thickets of your wildness this month. your challenge is to remain open and curious while keeping steady footing and taking note of the paths you’ve perused. while the journey may lead you to more closely examine that which causes you uncertainty or fear now, to do so will provide you the clues to the fruitful and abundant fields you possess in the center of your own personal forest.

cancer & cancer rising

the chariot & the self

our sense of self barely scratches the surface of all that we truly contain and embody. we are made up of infinite energy that expands and evolves as we explore our world through our physical vessels. often we are forced into the micro of daily living, bound by tasks and time and expectations of the structures that contain us, unable to zoom out and see ourselves along the broader narrative of our life along the timeline of the universe.

this month sees a long quest for self-acceptance finally coming into view, while an old self fades into the distance, and you are called to step out of the mundane where you are able now to get a nice big-picture view of all the ways in which you’ve thus far danced to the rhythm of the music of the stars and allowed yourself to be shaped by the melody. you’ve grown so much this year, Cancer, and part of finally moving in alignment requires witnessing yourself for all that you’ve lived and breathed, integrating this experience so that your sails can begin to work together to catch the wind.

leo & leo rising

four of wands & the offering rev.

in spellwork, incantations, and worship, we are often called to generate an offering appropriate to the recipient and tantamount to the request or desire being expressed. there are situations in which there are clear-cut guidelines, and there are others in which we must create space to divine or intuit what is needed. in moments of significant circumstances, we may be asked to surrender something precious or valuable, with the assurance that the tradeoff will create ripples of possibility all around.

this month may find you uncertain of the appropriate offering, its recipient, or your capacity to surrender what is being asked. perhaps, however, your very sense of security may be anchored, or your connection to your inner sacred flame extended, if you are willing to lean into the challenge of the moment and give without the expectation of an identical return investment - if you can trust that your generosity will realign you with your sacral purpose and its divine expression.

virgo & virgo rising

judgement & the healer rev.

rare is it to find a healer more knowledgeable or practiced as Virgo, who recognizes the many facets of themselves and their useful application to the environment around them. knowing that this gift is innate within you allows you to offer yourself completely, as to offer healing is to remember the soul, the body, and the mind in their purest, untainted forms and to assist in returning to that state. thus, the act of healing is one that requires moving through the challenge of forgetting ourselves and remembering how we once were and how we can be.

Virgo, this month may reveal to you that you are in need of your own remembrance. have you forgotten yourself in your purest form? it’s possible that you have forgotten that this journey takes us in circles, not down a direct path that consumerism and culture have instilled in us is real. your journey of healing, whether literal or personal or spiritual or all of the above, requires a pause from you this month in order to release yourself from all of the forgetting you have done - of yourself, of your purpose, of your passion before you were tainted by this world.

libra & libra rising

page of pentacles & the village

it takes a village to raise a child, so the expression goes, and once that child is raised, they begin to seek answers that lie outside the village walls. curiosity piqued, there is little that can satiate it short of leaving the village in order to explore the self in new territory. villages are protective entities, with identities all their own, made up of people who appreciate the wholeness of their environment. it can be difficult for a village to volunteer a member of its own, to surrender a child the village worked so hard to rear, into an unknown world.

and yet, Libra, you are filled with ideas this month that simply beg you to imagine abandoning the comforting walls of your cherished surroundings. the possibilities that are making themselves known to you are not arriving as full plans, rather as seedlings that you have the power to plant. these seeds, however, are hungry for a soil that does not grow naturally within your current environment. while the fear of leaving can overwhelm, remember that we are always welcome home back to the village to share what we’ve learned and discovered.

scorpio & scorpio rising

the fool & the father

in our current reckoning of the patriarchy, the concept of father has been scrutinized and disseminated, and masculinity itself has become an important topic. masculinity, many of us recognize, exists within all of us regardless of our sex or gender. our analysis has revealed that Fatherhood is a role rife with glory and failure, honor and disappointment. a father strives to protect, yet a father must sometimes abandon their post in order to do so. a father desires to demonstrate strength, yet to do so must sometimes be vulnerable. a father wants to inspire, yet sometimes a father must accept their limitations.

while it can feel daunting to explore the light and the shadow of this role, inviting in the energy of the Fool this month can allow you to explore your inner masculinity with openness to the full experience. can you trust yourself to embody the contradictions of the father with levity and flexibility, Scorpio? daring yourself to be larger than life while simultaneously expecting yourself to drop the ball can become a practice of playfulness and discovery if you so choose.


on mastering chaos
