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aquarius / aquarius rising

Aquarius, the sun travels solo through your sign while the other inner planets band together in Capricorn, and while some may find this energy daunting, you’re not one to shy away from standing on your own. you’re ready to step into your natural role as leader and to set the boundaries and rules of your vision. fearlessly set your boundaries, allowing your integrity to separate you from anyone who is not prepared to do the uncomfortable work of growing and evolving. approach any chaos in your life now with your sharp shears and common sense, and cut out anything that stands in the way of living in your new truth.

pisces / pisces rising

you may be finding yourself in a moment of resistance, whether an obstacle or uncertainty presses in from the outside world, or lack of direction plagues you from inside. either way, it’s time to switch gears and go with the flow in the way that you have mastered. if your approach isn’t working, perhaps you can swim around and find another way in or through. skilled at adaptation, you are one who can ride out the tides better than most, and it may be time to pull back and see the big picture. identify where you can shapeshift at this time in order to get what you need out of a rock and a hard place.


it’s time, Aries, to take the leap that has been building up inside you. circumstances may have you convinced, even worried, that your goals are too out of reach from where you currently stand. trust that you have honed your ability to see far into the distance and allow yourself to visualize so that you may begin to chart your map. remember your resilience and your ability to burn through your blockages. persevere in the face of doubt and remember that you’re guided by a heart made of precious and indestructible magic.


you’ve likely spent this Venus retrograde reassessing your boundaries. as someone motivated to connect with others, you may have noticed over the past several weeks where you bypass your own needs in order to forge or merge with others, or struggle to speak your truth authentically and trustfully. the intense astrology of last year created rawness and exposed the parts of you that can never go back to being unseen and unheard. it’s time to consciously work to integrate those pieces of you with honor and respect so that as you move forward, you do so as a fully contained creature, invulnerable to the elements you nurture.


as the north node has finally shifted out of your sign, you might be feeling the pull from the ether to connect more deeply with your sense of spirit and Source, and it may be wise now to anchor this journey by connecting with your ancestors. if you already have space dedicated to your forebearers, perhaps it’s time to cleanse the altar and refresh the satellite feed. now that you have journeyed through lessons of strengthening you, of seeing yourself come alive through new stories and ideas, you’re equipped in a new way to approach any lingering trauma or drama with fresh eyes and a clear heart. unravel old kinks and channel ancestral desires that you may be called to satisfy in this lifetime.


has your shell grown heavy, dear crab? has your heart had all that it can take? your cardinal nature and your mastery of the tide enables you to step through and transmute all that becomes too much to bear. know that you are capable of deep change now, and that all it takes is making the effort to bring your desired shifts into consciousness. what are you ready to begin anew? trust your instincts and ritualize your rebirth as you feel called to.


your obligations have grown far and wide and it’s time to trim back some of the wild branches and return to yourself and your natural state. though the sun may be highlighting your relationships, the Capricorn stellium is backlogging your ability to show up and shine through. though the sun is steady, it needs a day or two behind the clouds every now and then, and so do you. maybe you can reconsider how to balance your solitude with your social obligations? you are your best kept company now and it’s important to let yourself honor that.


you are more inclined than any to work at something endlessly until you grow weary from the grief of imperfection. it’s time to take a step back and think about how your efforts are panning out and whether your current tasks are worth your talent. can you imagine the lightness you might feel if some of your unsolvable to-do list simply vanished off your plate? consider what might be practical to repurpose, for you are skilled at mending and reshaping your world once you find new purpose for it. notice where you’ve accumulated inflammation from the friction and carefully excise the source.


your ruler Venus has likely left you with many stones overturned and questions about what truths lie beneath. can you approach these questions with genuine curiosity? opening up to new possibilities with interest can guide us to new understandings and trigger a chain reaction within your mental framework. begin simply by engaging with what has unfolded around you and see if playfulness is able to follow. what you uncover hopes to free your heart to offer deeper and more meaningful love while honoring your deepest truths.


you are primed to make a move, and your challenge now is to bide your time as you await the perfect moment. this shouldn’t be too hard, as you are better than most at strategizing, at taking in the landscape and identifying the players in their positions. as your ruler Mars makes its exalted ascent up the mountain, it too must pace itself, listening to the shift in the wind and feeling the ground beneath it in preparation for each steadied step. remember now that your instincts are sharp and that stillness is not weakness but rather where you regather your strength.


if there’s ever been a moment to abandon the confinements of your human mind and set sail into the abyss, it’s now. you’ve finished up a long journey of seeing old pieces of yourself break off and drift back into the ether, and though you’re good at brushing off the debris and starting over, it doesn’t mean it comes without a few bruises. as your subconscious now moves through deep purging and surrender, you too can surrender to and reconnect with the faith that you carry within you a vision that is brighter than ever.


how you doing, Capricorn? you’ve started your year at a much slower pace than you are accustomed, as this is usually your time of renewal and getting back into the swing of things. by now, you hopefully have leaned into this slow start, finding new reason to commit to yourself and your values and realigning those relationships most important to you and your integrity. have you found softness in your humanity, grace in the fragile form you inhabit and the limits it must respect? the deep wisdom within you has been used and abused by the systems that currently hold us, and it is your time to reclaim all that has been stripped away from you as you’ve given to this world.

pulled using the Threads of Fate oracle deck

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2019 was the last time we had Jupiter in its own sign, the last time we had a sense of normal, which we all knew was far from normal entirely, yet which was still the operating system we were bound to. it’s been difficult, heavy, bleak as Jupiter has moved through the rulership of Saturn, carrying so much responsibility, so much grief, so many endings. now, though the squares between Saturn and Uranus have illuminated the dismantling we have ahead of us, Jupiter returns to its nocturnal domain just in time to inject us with the foolish and necessary optimism to commit to the work.

Sunday’s new moon in Capricorn is helmed by a Saturn with a new team - Jupiter has been replaced by Mercury, already in its retrograde shadow, and the latest planet to touch base with Pluto. still ruling the north node, Mercury meets this entity as it wraps up its stay in Gemini, encouraging us to remember that progress is an open-ended story, that we’re always writing the details as we go, that our legacy is shaped with each bend in the road we follow, a needed message at the beginning of a year concerned with realigning with soul & self in order to show up fully in the world as it beckons us to step up in full integrity.

the Lovers, the card of 2022, invites us to take all that we learned, unlearned, and relearned in the Hierophant five of this year and apply it to our earnest efforts to integrate our shadows, our duality and multiplicity, our earthly and divine selves all contained within this tangible vessel. my hope is that the challenges of this year have pushed us to recognize where more of ourselves is attempting to break through to the surface, bringing us closer to creating change that will begin to serve us as a people and a community.

with the innermost planets in various stage of retrograde and Mars goofing around in semi-serious Sagittarius, it may feel like we spend January waking out of a deep slumber or shaking off a lingering sleepiness. allow this to feel like the new normal however much you can. revel in the possibilities for quietude and contemplation as the answers begin to float in like snowflakes.


January 2022

capricorn rising - withdraw

always working on Saturn’s behalf, rest does not often come easy to you, or feel very deserved. however, with Venus currently retrograde in your sign, and Mercury about to station retrograde under Saturn and move back into your sign, it makes sense that you might feel a bit like you’re still under construction - you did, after all, just make it through the Saturn-Uranus squares, which have been compelling you to consider how much you need to work in order to afford yourself a bit of play. channel the yew tree, which takes the time to establish internal root systems to support itself in times of crisis, chaos, and change. in the long journey of your work here on earth, remember that your fortification is key to supporting you as you move through this world and create structural change.

aquarius rising - the wildling

forever marked by the Saturn-Uranus squares that have taken place from your sign, you are perhaps newly liberated, reveling in a wildness you have not felt invited to explore in, well, possibly ever. in order to fully acquaint yourself with who roams within your soul, you may find yourself pulling back a bit from social obligations, listening intently instead to the new signals coming through to you. as you continue to perhaps embody the push and pull we feel collectively as we step out of the old and into the new, fear not your new powers of discernment and the clarity you are stepping into. trust your instincts at this time and follow the ways in which they wish to serve you as you move through the world in new ways.

pisces rising - the void

the void is no surprise to you, Pisces, who has spent several years already plunged into your own deep mysterious space, compelled to make sense of yourself when sense is the farthest entity in your orbit. as Neptune has had you suspended in real time, your relationship to the accompanying discomfort has evolved - where do you sit with it currently? what do you fear you stand to lose in this uncertainty? if you’ve managed to maintain a sense of self in this time, a sense of trust in all that washes away from you, then you can anticipate the arrival of new spiritual materials, whispers from the ether about all that is about to move through you. in due time, new realms will be opened up within you. the silence you invite in now will serve to clear the path.

aries rising - the weaver

ever the master of your destiny, it’s time you take inventory of all the threads you’ve woven thus far. which fibers remain strong, healthy, in tact and supportive? which threads have frayed, leaving the shape of you wilted, sunken? which threads have finished their journey with you? consider the current state of your fabric and contemplate how you might tend to these threads moving forward, whether lighter, more free, or sturdier perhaps, more opaque and encompassing. remember that you always hold the scissors in your hand and snip your story into its new shape.

taurus rising - the sage

you’ve been front and center to the lightning of this year, living through and embodying deep change in real time and catalyzing the environment around you. as electric as the experience has been, you’re learning now that there’s a time and a place for you to share it, and that your energy is best conserved for those who can appreciate and fully honor its truth and value. additionally, you’re recognizing that, like you, others cannot be pushed towards the lessons that await them - that just as you guide yourself into the experiences that help you evolve, so must others do the same. in accepting this, you step more fully into your role as teacher, able to pass on your knowledge in a manner in which it can be best received.

gemini rising - the observer

your challenge, Gemini, should you choose to accept it, is to develop the strength to observe rather than answer, to see rather than to judge, to witness without processing. you are wrapping up big lessons about instincts, when to wait and when to leap, and what constitutes as “enough information” for you to make the decisions you need to in your life and pertaining to your true self. in understanding the levity of your actions and recognizing the impact of your input, you stand to recognize more fully when your actions are in best alignment with your goals.

cancer rising - paradox

cardinal creature Cancer, it’s hard not to see things as either/or for you sometimes. when things go south, you can be extremely critical, refusing to see how a moment of suffering or disappointment could possibly come with a silver lining or a comfort consolation. it’s time, as the sun reflects you back to you, to see all that you contain, to hold space for the shadow as well as the light that casts it. it can feel devastating to acknowledge all of the contradictions that exist within us, but through that devastation can also arrive liberation, freedom, and the transparency of motivation, all tools that assist you in listening more intently, and gently, to your intuition.

leo rising - reclaim

by now, you’ve had pieces of you dug up, dragged out of shallow graves and ajar closet doors, brought back to your attention in order to be reconciled. parts of you you’ve had to put away or otherwise guard from others, parts of you that radiate from within to an audience of none out of fear of repercussion or rejection. these parts are asking now to be nourished and tended by you, guided back into the sunlight where they can once again thrive and take deep root. spend this month guiding yourself back to yourself, clearing out the rubble and the debris of your great excavation, replenishing your soil to facilitate your righteous roots.

virgo rising - destruction

you’re a builder, not a destroyer, so cautiously tending to the structures that exist with great care. but you also know better than most that when something has served its purpose, it’s time to put it to rest and begin again. this time is now, precious Virgo, as you’ve worked hard to separate yourself from previously limiting beliefs and old, ancient stories. you are rising out of the flames of your old life now, stepping out of something from which you’ve bravely sprung free, trusting that your new path will be one of more deserving. allow the possibilities of new life to propel you through this time of shedding old weight. light the match and warm yourself by the flames of your own new cycle.

libra rising - transmute

always responding to your environment, this month is an invitation for you to place your intention into the shape of your container. while you can’t always force the change you know is imminent, you do have the power to create the space in which those changes can transpire. you are skilled at navigating the social realm, facilitating an environment that supports the gathering and sharing of ideas and offerings, and embodying the messages and values you desire to see take shape amongst the world around you.

scorpio rising - release

oh, Scorpio. as if you’re not constantly being told to release. it’s far easier said than done for you, with release often coming through as a decisive and incisive gesture outwardly without the emotional followthrough of release from within. the good news is that this release is coming for you without you having to try much to receive it - however, it would be in your best interest to take this incoming change head on, assessing where you are ready to be free of emotional bonds and preparing your mind and your spirit for the process, which will require your presence and acknowledgement of the infection or the pain.

sagittarius rising - the pillar

it’s time to shine, Sagittarius. after eighteen months of seeing threads of yourself fall away or shred, it’s time to take stock of all that is left standing, for this is what makes up all that you are made up of. with the lessons of the nodes finally wrapping up and giving you a break, it’s time for you to think about all the good that has been exposed to you about the strength of your presence and the way you’re able to show up for others. you are ready to discover just how much you are truly able to do, be, and embody. give yourself the opportunity to recognize all that you do well and to celebrate your innate abilities in the world and the lives of those around you.

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the astrology of this time is so unknown and yet quite ripe - like reaching your hand out to pluck fruit with your eyes closed, trusting your gut and your senses but fearful of what may jump out and bite you along the way. making moves while knowing there is sharpness afoot is daunting, and some of us may even feel foolish trying to navigate. but beyond the barbs, there is beauty to be captured and explored.

the astrology of this time is so unknown and yet quite ripe - like reaching your hand out to pluck fruit with your eyes closed, trusting your gut and your senses but fearful of what may jump out and bite you along the way. making moves while knowing there is sharpness afoot is daunting, and some of us may even feel foolish trying to navigate. but beyond the barbs, there is beauty to be captured and explored.

these barbs may be tangible, and they are most definitely contained within the mind. the astrology of Scorpio season is cutting, brandishing, violent yet necessary - there is an extraction that must be made if we are to go on any farther. if we are to continue on this path we’ve begun. there is a shattering that must occur in order to be set free. what are you currently breaking out of? how much of it was of your making, and how much of that was informed by blueprints you’ve never before had the opportunity or audacity to question? how will you hold yourself with grace as you set yourself free? who will you be when you emerge from the flames anew?

I loved speaking with Jeff Hinshaw over at Cosmic Cousins about the November transits, which you can check out here. I began a thought there about how to consume is human, and I wish to elaborate on it more here: to consume is human, to desire is human, to crave and to hunger and to need, all human. now is the time we begin to discover how to do so - how to embody all of this Being - with equity. what awaits destruction has been built from a place of inequality. what holds us back has been designed by a system of cruelty. the instinct to consume is not one to place blame on or carry shame around, but it is also easily swayed and betrayed, used against us to add insult to injury and added to our tab.

but no more. not with Pluto preparing to return in the states. not with Venus preparing for a long stay in the material realm.

I’ve channeled a tarot spread for this four-month journey, that takes into consideration some of the other players involved. feel free to try it out and let me know how it goes!

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